Back in the summer, it seemed a long, long time away! But now it is here for some of us and just around the corner for others. We have worked hard, planned extensively, re-planned, laughed, cried? maybe, but hopefully we have moved a group of sweet kids from point A to point B! We all get them there in different ways. If you have taught 2 years or 20 years, you are probably already thinking ahead to next year and what you will do to make it an even better year! That's just who we are! I would love to hear what you plan to do differently next year. I think that I will try to differentiate instruction more for reading and math. I think that it is important to reach each kid where they are. I know it sounds impossible but I'm going to give it some serious thought this summer. So, to celebrate the end of this school year, I'm making my end of the school year iremember book free for 24 hours! If school is already out for you, print it for next year! Click HERE for the free book. Let me know how you like it! Thanks for following me this school year! One goal that I have is to blog MORE this summer and next school year! Have an awesome summer!