
Thursday, February 4, 2016

TRC Question Stems and Text Evidence

We are hard at work in my classroom learning how to completely answer a a a complete sentence and then prove the answer by using text evidence.  I have already made TRC Question Stem printables to use with stories that we read every day.  Here are a few of those. 

You can fill in the missing information based on what story you are using and then copy and use.  You can see this unit in my Teachers Pay Teachers Story by clicking HERE! 
I use these every week in my class but I wanted something easier for me to use when we discuss the story.  I came up with the idea to print the question stems onto labels and put them onto index cards.  I hole punched the cards and put them on a book ring.  There you go.  Portable, easy to use question stems. Even if you do not use MClass TRC Question Stems, these are great question stems for checking comprehension and helping your students learn to find text evidence to prove an answer.  The finished cards look like this:

You can see this product by clicking HERE!
I hope you are all staying warm and making it through this winter semester! 

1 comment:

  1. Really cute really enjoyed this! very attractive too
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