
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fun With Measuring And Fun Spring Activities With A Freebie!

We are well into enjoying Spring in our classroom.  We have been working on measurement for a few weeks now.  We started with MD 1-6.  The kids really loved measuring each other with this activity from Amy Lemmons.  It's in her measurement pack.  I had the kids get with a partner and then take turns measuring each other with a tape measure and recording their measurements. 

This week we started 2.MD 9-10 which is collecting and using data to make line plots and answer questions about them.  The kids LOVE going around the room and asking all of their classmates their favorite color, ice cream flavor, etc.  We played SCOOT on Tuesday.  Each kid gathered data.  They went around the classroom and measured 12 different objects using inches.  They used this information to make a line plot.  After that, we all wrote the same three questions about the graph.  Next, we played SCOOT.  Each student sat in every desk and answered the same three questions about the graph on each desk.  I think by the time they went to 21 desks and answered questions, they were pros in reading line plots.  They love getting up and moving around!  This measurement unit is full of fun graphing activities. It has lesson plans, a student book, quizzes and homework.  Here is a look at the entire unit. 
You can get it in my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE!
So Easter is next week.  It's hard to believe that we are there already!  It's one of my favorite times at school and I love that second graders still love to hide and hunt eggs.  I usually let the boys hide eggs for the girls and then the girls hide eggs for the boys.  After we finish, we divide the eggs up equally so that everyone gets to take home the same amount of eggs and candy.  It works really well for us.  I love making this cute bunny every year too!  We wrote an imaginative narrative last week.  The Easter Bunny left us a note telling us that he had a cold and couldn't deliver the eggs.  He needed us to help so the kids wrote a story about making the eggs and delivering them.  Then they made this cutie!

If you want the pattern for the bunny, it is in my TPT store.  If you want the entire writing pack, it is in my store as well.  Click HERE for the Bunny.  If you want the entire writing unit, click HERE!This unit has activities for the three types of writing that is required in the Second Grade Common Core ELA Standards.  There is a narrative activity, informational and persuasive writing activities with decorative paper to write the completed stories on as well as the pattern for the cute bunny. 
Now for the feebie. I needed a quick writing activity that would brighten up the room and bring spring inside!  I made this quick "Top Ten" list about Spring.  We brainstormed things that we love about Spring and then the kids wrote their top 10 favorite things and drew a picture to go with it.  Here is a look at how they turned out.
This activity is included in my April Printables for Spring.  I've attached it for you for FREE!
Click HERE to get the writing activity.  If you download, I would love some feedback!
That is all for now.  We are almost to Easter Break!  It won't be long until we are all soaking up the sun and relaxing!  Happy Spring! Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like spring is a fun time in your classroom. Love all the pictures!

    The Math Maniac
