
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Morning Work Freebie and February Writing

My school is a PBIS and an RTI school. This means a lot of things but one important thing that it means is that we have WIN time.  WIN stands for W hat  I  N .... students are divided up into groups according to what they need to work on.  Some need fluency, some blends, some math, etc.  So, our bell rings at 8:00 and at 8:20 we all go to WIN groups for 30 minutes....the entire school...which means we only have about 12-15 good minutes to finish morning work.  Whew...that is a lot of explaining to tell you that I NEED my morning work to be brief but effective.  That is why I decided to write my morning work for this year.  It has a few math review problems, a word problem, two sentences to correct and some type of grammar skill.  Most kids get it finished in 15 minutes and we check it together after WIN time is over.  We only have WIN time Monday through Thursday so on Friday, their morning work is a quiz on the previous four days of morning work.  There is a book cover so you can copy a month of morning work, staple it together and you don't have to worry about it until next month rolls around.  I run it front and back so it saves paper. It has worked very well this year.  I have written morning work for all months from August through March.  I will have April and May morning work soon.  I have attached the first week of morning work for March for you for FREE!  CLICK HERE FOR THE FREEBIE!    I hope you like it!  The entire book of March Morning Work is in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  You can see it by clicking HERE!  

For writing in February, we started by writing a persuasive paper.  February is National Hot Breakfast month so my students brainstormed and came up with a list of reasons that we should eat a hot breakfast.  After we had a good long list of reasons, the kids completed their planning page and finally their story.  They made a craft to go with it.  Here's a look at their finished writing.

You can see the entire writing unit for February in my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE!
Ok, not much longer until Spring!!!  I'm busy at work on Spring Centers, Writing, Word Problems and Printables.  Hang in there until Spring!  Happy Teaching!

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