
Friday, March 8, 2013
We have been working on persuasive writing in my room for a few weeks now.  I'll tell you, these kiddos are very good at trying to get you to agree with their opinion!  This week, we chose our favorite ice cream flavor and our job was to convince the reader that they should also choose that flavor.  My goodness at the convincing that was going on!  I use a planner to help the kids get their thoughts together and then they use a writing mat to write their thoughts into sentences.  We conference at this point and then they write their final copy.  I posted the writing planner in my TPT for free if you want to take a look.  Go to my TPT by clicking here.  I also made a literacy center game using compound words. Here is a look at it. Click here to take a look. It's really cute. I am working on two more literacy and three math Easter themed centers.  Hopefully I'll have those up this weekend.  Let me know what you think!


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