
Monday, December 28, 2015

10 Things Your Child's Teacher Wants You To Know


Like every teacher on Christmas break, I am enjoying my time at home with my family.  That doesn't stop me from thinking about my "other" 22 kids who are hopefully enjoying their time at home too!  I hope they all had a wonderful Christmas and come back refreshed and ready to learn!  As I was thinking of them, I came up with 10 things that I would love to share with parents.  Here goes:

10 Things Your Child's Teacher Wants You To Know:
1.  I spend a lot of time with your child. I care about them and I worry about them when they struggle, when they are out sick or when they are unhappy.
2. Your child needs you to be proud of them.  Tell them often.
3.  They need to tell you about their day even if they don't realize that they need to tell you about their day.  Ask them.
4.  I give lots of hugs every day but they need more hugs from you when they get home.  Hug them.  Often.
5.  They feel proud when they bring snack to school to share with the class, or Kleenex or pencils or cookies.
6.  They love for you to come eat lunch with them.
7.  I want them to be successful academically.  I love it when they "get it!"
8. Reading with and to your child every night is one of the most important things that you can do with your matter how "old" they think they are!
9.  Please don't send them to school if they are sick.  I try to take care of them but I'm not Mom or Dad.  They need to cuddle with you!
10.  After spending an entire school year with a class, I think of them as My Kids, and I will always think of them as My Kids!  Thanks for sharing them with me!  They are amazing!
So, let's rest, relax and recharge.  We only have a few more months in this school year to prepare our students for the next grade!  Buckle Up!  Here we go!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Cyber Sale!

It's time for the Cyber Sale over at Teachers Pay Teachers!  I know my cart is already full and ready to check out on Monday!  The sale is Monday, November 30 and Tuesday, December 1.  Enter the code SMILE and get 28% off of everything in my store!  Go on over and fill your cart with the great things you will need to make it through the long winter!  I have Morning Work, Journal Writing Prompts, Writing Units, Tons of Second and Third Grade Common Core Math Units and lots of Center Activities for ELA and Math!  It will feel great to get ahead over the Christmas Holidays!

Merry Christmas!  Oh, and stay tuned for my Twelve Days of Christmas Freebies starting soon!

Friday, November 20, 2015


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I'm so thankful for you!  I appreciate all of your support here on my blog and also in my Teachers Pay Teachers store!  Hurry on over there for a Thankful Sale!  It lasts from today until Monday!  Go ahead and get ready for December and January!  There are journal prompts, writing units, morning work, crafts and much more! I appreciate you all so much!
Happy Thanksgiving!!


PS:  Start looking soon for my 12 Days of Christmas Freebies!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloween and a Free Activity!

I think it is a little present that Halloween is actually on the weekend this year!  Nevertheless, the kids will still be VERY excited.  I have several fun Halloween activities planned for this week.  (I'm also being observed on Wednesday but we won't think about that just yet! )  I made this follow the directions sheet last year.  Students have to read the clues and follow the directions.  I've attached it here for you for FREE!  It's part of my October Printables pack.  You can see the entire pack HERE!  This pack has 10 ELA and 10 Math printables.  These are great for centers or just extra practice!  

Here is a look at the Haunted House Freebie! 
  If you download, please leave me some feedback.  I would love to know what you think!  Also, follow my blog if you haven't! I would love to have you follow along! 
Happy Haunting!!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Third Grade Morning Work and a Freebie!

I've moved up!  No I haven't changed grades. I'm still teaching second grade but I have started writing materials for third grade as well.   This is where I need your help, my sweet, second grade friends!  Please help me spread the word to your third grade friends!  I've written several math units so far and I have also written several months of morning work for third grade.  I've attached a free week of morning work here.  If you have third grade teacher friends, forward this blog to them or print the freebie and give it to them.  I appreciate your help! I'll even attach a second grade freebie for you!  Let me know what you think! 

To see the entire unit in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, click HERE!

Now, for YOUR freebie, I've attached a week of October Morning Work for Second Grade.   
To see this Second Grade Morning Work unit and more Morning Work Units, click HERE!
If you download the freebies, please leave some feedback to let me know what you think!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Place Value Math Centers and a Freebie!

We recently started our place value unit in math.  I made several games to reinforce the skills that they are learning.  The kids have loved playing these games and I wanted to share them with you. 

One game was called Magic Wand War. All of the game cards are given out to each player and turned face down.  Each player had to turn over their top card.   Next they had to solve their addition or subtraction problem.  The student with the largest number was the winner and got to keep both cards.  After all cards are played, the player who collected the most cards is the winner.  My kids loved this game!

Another game was called Silly Clown Spinner.  Students used a paperclip and the spinner to get three numbers. Next, they draw the number using base 10 blocks.   
Now this sweet boy is ENGAGED!  This game is called Silly Sort It Out.  They have sorting mats that are labeled 100-200, 200-300, 300-400, etc. all the way to 1000.  They have cards that have number words, like two hundred fifty-nine, etc. to sort onto each mat.  After the cards are all sorted, there is an activity sheet that goes with the game.  For example, students are asked to choose any 6 cards from their mats, put them in order from largest to smallest, smallest to largest, etc.  and write their answers on their paper. 

To make my centers, I copy six sets onto six different colors of paper and laminate them. (I don't have more than 6 students in a center.) The color coding keeps the sets from getting mixed up.  I store them in gallon sized zip top bags.  I store the set of centers in a large envelope that is labeled with the name of the game, skill and which 9 weeks I use the game in .  I also store a copy of the answer sheet in the envelope with the games so the next time I use it, everything is there in one place.  These games are part of a set of 10 games that are all focused on place value.  The entire unit looks like this:
These games are a great supplement to my Clowning Around Math Unit.  This unit teaches 2.NBT.1 and 3.  To see the unit in my store, click HERE!
Now, Halloween is coming and it's time for a freebie. 
This is a great, no prep math center.  Give students a copy of this sheet and a paper clip.  They spin to get a two digit number and then tell if it is odd or even.  Easy and fun!!!  Click HERE TO GET YOUR FREE COPY!
This page is part of my October Language Arts and Math Printables.  There are five Language Arts/Reading Printables and five Math printables.  Here is a look at it.
These are easy to use in centers with no prep on your part.  You can see the entire unit in my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE!
I hope you can use the freebie!  Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Classroom Rewards

I love to reward good behavior.  Like most of you though, I don't want rewards to be complicated or costly.  I've come up with a list of 20 great free or low cost rewards that I use that are easy and the kids love!  Here goes:
1.  Drink with a straw at lunch.
2.  Write a sweet, encouraging note on a student's desk with an expo marker.
3.  I have a rolling desk chair (rollie chair) in my classroom.  I choose someone to sit in the rollie chair.
4.  Choose another student from our grade level to eat lunch with.
5.  Help the student write an email to someone.  (Parent, former teacher, principal, etc.)
6. Homework Pass!
7. Read to a younger kid in another classroom. (Preschool and kindergarten kids love to be read to!)
8. Write with a lead pencil for the day.
9. Eat lunch with the teacher and another friend.
10. Write with a marker for a subject. (Reading or math or writing, etc.)
11. Brag Bracelets - (Make with construction paper)
12. Take off your shoes in the classroom.
13. Sit at the teacher's desk.
14. Skip Morning Work
15. Switch desks with another student for the day.
16. Chew gum in class
17. Call mom or dad and tell them what a great day you are having.
18. Positive note home
19. Get to drink a juice bag during class
20. Wear a brag badge....Make with construction paper that says:  Ask me why I'm wearing this badge!

You could use these rewards several ways.  You could use these for an end of the week treat for students.  One year, I wrote each reward on a slip of paper, put them into a box and drew one out or let the student draw one out.  Sometimes I just look around at who is being especially good at the time and choose them to pick out a prize.  I've also said, "I'm looking for my next prize winner......"  and it works to help everyone focus and show their best behavior.  It also rewards those students who are ALWAYS doing the right thing!  I hope you found something that you like and can use.  I would love to hear what you all use for rewards for little or no cost!  I hope you all are having a great year so far!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Classroom Management: How To Calm A High Energy Class

Some years are like that.  Some years, the kids seem to have an endless supply of energy.  If you had a calm kind of class last year and this year you are dealing with a group of energetic little ones, you may need to change some of the management techniques that you are using.  I've come up with six things that have helped calm my high energy group. 
1.  Line Order:  My students all have a number.  They are in ABC order and they have their number assigned to them accordingly.  They put this number on all of their papers because I can quickly put them in order when I am grading papers and putting grades into my grade book.  Easy and quick.  This number is also on their homework folders.  I can put them into numerical order and see who is missing.  BUT I also use this number for line order.  This will put an end to "he's passing", "she's in my place", etc. etc.  So, students use their number for a lot of things.  It helps tremendously when lining up. 

2.  One At A Time:  When I call my class to line up, turn in papers, get books, etc. I call one table (group of desks) at a time.  This may seem like an obvious thing to do but I have had classes where I could just say:  "Get into line order for Library", etc. and they would quietly get into their places, ....easy.  And then there are years where it's a mad rush to get into line.  So to fix this, I call one group of desks at a time.  It's much calmer with 4-5 kids walking to line instead of 22-23 rushing to line. 

3. A Few At A Time:  This is just as it sounds.  When the morning bell rings, I let 3-4 students in the room at a time.  This prevents congestion at the lockers and cuts way down on the noise.  As those students finish putting things away I allow a few more into the room.  It helps the morning begin more calmly than with 22 kids rushing in at once.  I also use this technique after lunch.  A few at a time come in, put lunch boxes away, sit quietly, then more come in. 

4.  Calming Music:  One thing that I have found that works like a charm to calm a high energy class is Spa Music.  If you can get Pandora Radio in your classroom, find the Spa channel and turn it on very softly. It calms everyone!!

5.  Brain Breaks:  Use Brain Brakes often, but have rules in place.  With a high energy class, you will may have students running everywhere if you don't have rules.  When we have a brain brake the normal rule is that you stay behind your own chair.  This works with most activities.  My students also love "Red Light".  To play this, I use some upbeat music and kids start driving their car around the classroom.  When the music stops, that is their stop light and they must freeze.  The music starts again and the "cars" can go.  My students love this.  With high energy kids, you must watch them closely because these students will want to "crash" into others!!  If I have this problem, that "car" must immediately go to their garage (desk).  It usually only takes one time to be sent to the garage and the "crashing" will stop.

6.  Secret Student:  I've written about this one before, but when we line up to leave the classroom, I choose a student name from my jar.  The students do not know who the Secret Student is.  Here's how it works:  I will "secretly"  watch that student all the down the hall and then back to the classroom.  If that student is "perfect" in the hallway, he/she gets a sticker, piece of candy, etc. when we get back into the room.  Once a name is chosen, I put it aside and don't put it back into the jar until everyone has had a chance to be the Secret Student.  So the cool thing about this is that almost everyone will walk "perfectly" down the hallway because they might be the Secret Student!!  It works well to keep everyone on their best behavior in the hallways.  I tell them that they have to walk correctly, may not talk, may not be hopping or twirling and may not be touching the walls. Once we are back in the room, I'll reveal the Secret Students.  They love this!  You will be glad you started it. 

I hope you find these ideas helpful!  I would love to hear what you use to help with a high energy class!  Happy Teaching!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Classroom Management-10 Ways To Keep Your Sanity

My district started school on August 24 so my students and I have had three weeks to get to know each other, learn the rules and procedures and settle into this school thing.  I seem to forget from year to year how much attention I have to pay to rules and procedures; classroom management.  So the excitement has worn off of the "new" school year and now we are down to business.  Let me tell you, it can be exhausting.  So, I've come up with 10 ways to keep my sanity!!!  I hope that you find these helpful too!  We all need reminding, so here goes:

1.  Believe in you.  You have trained for this. Unless you are a first year teacher, you have done this before.  We bring our students a long way during a school year and we  remember how we ended last year.  Routines were easy, everyone knew what to do, when to do it and how to do it.  We are starting over.  Just remember, this is you thing!  You were made for teaching!  You can do this!

2.  Repetition:  I tend to forget exactly how many times I have to repeat rules and procedures.  It seems like at this time of the year, I am constantly repeating.  Repetition is what the students need.  We have to repeat these things for several weeks until they come naturally to our students. 

3.  Don't Stop!: It seems that there are so many things to remember and reinforce that we sometimes forget things.  This happens, but stick to your plan!  If it is a rule, you have it for a reason.  If it is broken follow your plan of consequences...every...single...time! 

4.  Don't Stop!:  I know, this is number 3 but it is worth repeating!  Stick to your plan, don't play favorites and don't stop!  We must be firm, fair and CONSISTENT!!

5.  Not All Days Are Created Equally: We have all had them.  Days where nothing goes as planned.  Something as simple as "It's picture day!"  can throw your students into a spin.  Try to stay on schedule as much as possible and know that the more you can stay with your routine, the better the day will be. 

6.  Routine, Routine, Routine!:  I can't say enough about keeping a routine when possible.  I post a daily schedule on my calendar so that students know exactly what is coming.  Students do not know that they need routine, but believe me, it makes everything easier....everything!!!  I believe that once you have the routine down, the classroom pretty much runs itself....a well oiled machine! 

7.  Step Back, Take A Breath! : Even with our best efforts, we will become frustrated.  Step back.  Take a breath.  Drink a coke!  Eat some chocolate.  This day will pass.  That student will get it,...or not but just know that you are making a positive difference in the lives of these students! 

8.  Treat Yourself: We have a difficult job.  We deserve to treat ourselves....manicure, dessert, new pair of shoes, anything that will lift your spirit.  We have 180 days to be on top of our game.  We need to "refuel" often!!

9.  Give Yourself A Break:  Don't bring work home every night.  Don't bring work home every weekend.  You need a break.  Put some things on hold if you can.  You will be refreshed and ready after a break. 

10.  October Is Coming:  In my personal experience, things do not settle down like I want until October.  It normally takes that long of practice, routine, practice, practice and practice.  It seems like I can finally relax a little bit.  Rules have been learned, procedures come easily, students know that "I mean it!" and we can settle into a happy family...hopefully!  So friends, hang on.  October is coming!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Math Routines for the Entire Year and a FREEBIE for you!

Awhile back, I wrote a blog post about daily math routines that I like to use to help my students focus in on our math lesson.  You can read that post HERE!  For a long time, I wanted to write these routines into a math unit that would have plans for every day of the school year and that would get progressively harder during the school year.  I finally did!  It begins simple and gets harder throughout the year.  I've attached a week of activities for free for you so you can give it a try!  The entire unit looks like this:
This unit is a monthly themed unit.  There is a student answer recording sheet and instructions for you for every day.  Each answer sheet has spaces for an entire week so you will copy front and back on two pages for the entire month!  The kinds of activities included are:  counting base 10 blocks, counting forwards and backwards within 1000, skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's forwards and backwards, counting money and writing numbers in expanded form and word form, telling time and building numbers.  It's a quick review that is great to get kids thinking about math! The pages look like this:
 To get your first week of August free, click HERE!  When you are ready to get the unit for the entire year, click HERE! to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  
Only one more day for me until Meet the Teacher night.  I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow getting ready for that.  I'll post pics tomorrow!  I hope you all are having a productive and fun "getting ready for school" time!
If you download the freebie, please leave me some feedback!

Back to School Sale!

Ok.  If you didn't get in on the sale earlier in August, you get one more chance!  On Wednesday, August 19 Teachers Pay Teachers will be having another sale!  Make sure you get all of those things that you will need for August and September! 

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back To School # 3 and a FREEBIE!!!!

If you are like me, or if you are like hundreds and hundreds of other teachers this time of year, you are getting yourself ready for the new school year that is approaching very quickly.  I have only been away from my room for summer break for a few weeks but when I go back for the first time in August, it feels like I have been gone forever!  Once everything is clean, desks are arranged, (see my Back To School # 2 Post) different areas in the room are arranged, (book center, supplies, etc.) it's time for me to think about what I would like to accomplish with my students the very first day of school. Of course I know that plans and materials need to be ready.  I also know from experience that I need to over plan.  What I thought would take 30 minutes may end up being 10.....then what do we do..... So I plan ALOT of things to do the first day.   I also jump right into my "normal" routine, the routine and schedule that  I plan to follow the entire year. It is fun to do some "getting to know you" activities and I will do a few of these.  Since I teach 2nd grade, I know that these students have already been in school for 2 years and should be aware of basic rules.  Classroom routines will be somewhat different but for the most part, they know that there is no talking in the hallway or bathroom, how to "do" lunch and other things.  I like to focus on my classroom routines.  Last year, I made a book called "Let's Do School"  to complete with students about classroom and school routines.  I included an area for students to "draw" what these procedures look like.  For example, there is a page where students draw a picture of what a correct line looks like.  I like to do a funny drawing to show students what a correct line DOES NOT look like.  They always laugh at these "rule breakers" and then I draw a picture to show them the correct way.  I think that second grade students are still very visual and need to see what I'm talking about when I say....when we line up, we face the front, our mouths are quiet and our hands are by our side.  I stress that we have these rules and procedures to keep us safe and happy at school so I talk about what could happen if we do these procedures incorrectly.  For example, line up and walk in the hallway quietly so we won't disturb other classes.  We use our best manners at lunch, don't talk with food in our mouths and don't play at the table because we don't want anyone getting choked on their food.  I like to relate the rules back to real life situations that students can relate to so that they become meaningful to students.  So, I love using my "Let's Do School" rules and procedures book.  Instead of me just rambling off don't do this, don't do that....this is a whole group activity that we do together and students have the book to refer back to.  Here is a look at the book.

We do a few pages each day.  I've included the first two pages here in my blog for you for FREE! 
Click HERE to get the FREEBIE!   If you want the entire book you can click HERE to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store if you want to get the entire book.
Usually we do a few pages each day and then keep this book until September Open House.  I like to have these books out with some of their other work for parents to see.  If you download the free pages, I would love to hear what you think! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Back To School Sale 2015!!

It's here folks!  Time to stock up on everything you need for BTS 15!!  I know my cart is full!
My entire store is on sale with an  extra 20 percent off!
 You know you are going to need it!! Let's get shopping! Don't forget the code BTS15 at checkout !!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Back To School- # 2

When I design my room layout, I think about traffic patterns into the room, a good place to line up to leave the room, students being able to work together for cooperative learning activities, having room to have reading and math centers and having floor space if we want to gather around to hear a story.  I like to put my desks in pods of 4.  At each group of tables, I group students by ability.  If you are looking down at the pod of desks, it looks like this: 
This idea of seating came from this book:  It's full of ideas on how to get kids up, moving and sharing! 

Now, the seating chart above is how I arrange my desks.  You have a medium high beside a low student because a medium high is usually more patient in helping a lower student than a high student is.  The medium low student is beside the high student.  The medium or medium low student doesn't need as much help as the low student so the high student usually does well helping the medium low or medium student.  The students beside each other are called shoulder buddies.  Sometimes when we are solving math problems, etc, I'll tell the class to work with their shoulder buddy.  If I want LIKE abilities, I'll tell the class to work with their face buddies.  If I need to form groups to work on something, I'll call A's to meet in one place and B's to work in another.  If I need to have kids of the SAME ability to work together, I would call 1's to meet together, 2's, 3's and 4's because these would be the same ability levels.  The students are NOT aware of the ability part.  I love this arrangement.  It pairs students to work based on what I need accomplished at the time.  The uses of this arrangement are endless!  If you don't have this book, it is worth the investment.  What I discovered is that when I kept students moving and kept students working, there were very few behavior or management issues to deal with.  
To put your students in order, choose some type of grade or test score.  I used each student's DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency score.  List these scores from highest to lowest.  Now, count down the first five students and draw a line.  Those are your top five students.  Count up the last five from the bottom.  Those are your lowest five.  Now count down the next five from the top.  These are your medium high kids.  The next five from the bottom are your medium low students.  This gets us to 20.  You can put the left over students either in the medium high or medium low category.  If you need to add a fifth desk to the pods, put it on the end between the high and medium high.   Check out the book for a more thorough explanation. 
There are a lot of other cooperative learning activities in book as well.  I'll highlight more in another post.  For now, consider arranging your students in this kind of pod.  You'll be glad you did!  Let me know your thoughts!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Back To School # 1

I can't believe it is already the middle of July!  Before we know it, we will be welcoming a bunch of smiling faces into our classrooms once again!  If you haven't already, it is time to begin preparing.  I think that the more we can do ahead of time, the better!  So, it's time to think about room layout, how our shelves will be arranged, where the reading books will go, what bulletin boards we need to put up....and if you are changing your classroom theme, you have ALOT to do!  I am using the Dr. Seuss theme again next year.  I love the colors and the whimsy of the Dr. Seuss decorations. Outside in the hallway where I display student work says, "Oh The Places We'll Go In Second Grade!"  I bought the large hats that were supposed to be student hats and cut the bands off.  I laminated them and I put a label with each student's name on them.  I put a 11X18 laminated piece of black construction paper with each hat and that is where I display each student's work ALL YEAR!!!  It's easy to maintain because the only thing that I have to change is the student work.

Here are snow boys and girls in January. 
 This is a writing that we did in February about the importance of a good breakfast!
 This was a writing and a math activity last fall.
 And, at Easter, I took the hat part down and put our bunnies up! How cute are they!
 A bigger look at fall....
So I like that this is easy to maintain and can look good all year long!  I would love to hear your ideas about how to use your outside wall!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Divergent Thinking Centers for May and Summer

We are on the final countdown until summer!  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone!  When I look back at things we were doing at the beginning of the year and the things that we are doing now, I am amazed at the growth of my students.  We practice  a lot of skills during the year in reading centers but the reading centers that I wrote for May/June are a little bit different.  I designed them to encourage students to use their divergent thinking skills.  I'll just tell you before hand, they don't like this as well.  They have to really think and they would just rather ask me what the answer would be....One student today had the question in her reading center that asked her to list three things you could do with a stick...the centers are camping themed...Seriously, as a kid, I probably thought of AND did hundreds of things with a stick!  The kids today are different though.  These center activities encourage them to think on their own, and I like that! We have spend a lot of time this year learning to answer questions in complete sentences and give evidence for our answers.  We have solved addition and subtraction problems using base 10 blocks, number lines and expanded form.  We have solved more word problems that I care to remember.  So, now is the time to be creative.  Let's brush the cob webs off of those creative abilities and encourage our kids to think!!!!  Here is a look at a few of the center ideas.

This activity is called "What Am I."  Students read the clue card, match it to the answer card and then write their answer onto their answer sheet. 

Another activity is called Summer Camp List It.  Students draw a card and then list the three things that the card is asking them.
There is a "Fishing for Fact and Opinion" center activity.  Students sort the cards onto the "Fact" or "Opinion" mat.  Later, students choose a topic and write their own facts and opinions. 
This unit has 5 literacy and 5 math centers that your students will love!  The entire unit looks like this:
You can see it in my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE! 
Just a few more days until Summer Vacation!!!!!  I would love to hear from you to see how you plan to relax this summer!
Take Care....and Hang On!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week, 2015!

It's here!  Teacher Appreciation Week, 2015! You know what that means! Our friends at Teachers Pay Teachers are having a huge sale!  So, let's think ahead.  Of course there are the things on my wish list.  Plus, we could look ahead to the fall and get some things ready.  There are back to school books, back to school reading and math centers, morning work, math, reading, writing, science and social studies things that we will need when school starts back.  If we go ahead and copy, laminate and cut out this summer, it will be A LOT less busy when school starts.  Today and tomorrow you can get up to 28% off of those things that you will need soon!  To go directly to my store, click HERE!
Be sure to enter the code "Thank You" at check out. 

Now, let's shop!!!!!  Oh, and 24 days of school left!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


April is National Poetry Month.  I've been so busy with other things that I almost missed it! I did start my poetry unit on Monday.  We talked about what poetry is and about some of the many different kinds of poetry.  We read a poem about ice cream and then the kids wrote their own poems.  They turned out so cute!  This is what they look like:

After the ice cream poem, we learned about couplets.  We made lists of rhyming words and then the kids wrote their own couplets.  Today we learned about acrostic poems.  We read a poem about birthday parties and then we wrote an acrostic about birthdays using the letters PRESENTS.  Finally, I gave everyone a piece of notebook paper and had them write an acrostic with their name.  I made an example for them and then they started.
This is how some of theirs turned out.

The kids are really enjoying poetry so far.  More poems and craftivities to come!  This is what it looks like:
This unit includes poems, activities, instructions for students to write their own poems and crafts. Everything you need to teach poetry is included. You can see the unit in my store by clicking HERE!
Stay tuned for more fun with poetry!  Oh, and 29 more school days for me!  How many more days for you?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter Games and a Freebie!

If you have these............

and a few minutes, I'm going to tell you some  different things to do with plastic Easter eggs.
I have a brand new Easter Math Game unit that has 6 different games for your students to play.  I've included one of the 6 games here for you for FREE! Students will practice addition and subtraction, telling time, counting money, showing a number two different ways by drawing base 10 blocks and even/odd.  The free game is counting coins.  Here is a look at it. 

If you want to use this game you can get your free copy by clicking HERE!
If you want all 6 games, you can get them over in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  You can get there by clicking HERE.
If you use this, please leave some feedback!  I love to hear from you!