
Monday, August 17, 2015

Math Routines for the Entire Year and a FREEBIE for you!

Awhile back, I wrote a blog post about daily math routines that I like to use to help my students focus in on our math lesson.  You can read that post HERE!  For a long time, I wanted to write these routines into a math unit that would have plans for every day of the school year and that would get progressively harder during the school year.  I finally did!  It begins simple and gets harder throughout the year.  I've attached a week of activities for free for you so you can give it a try!  The entire unit looks like this:
This unit is a monthly themed unit.  There is a student answer recording sheet and instructions for you for every day.  Each answer sheet has spaces for an entire week so you will copy front and back on two pages for the entire month!  The kinds of activities included are:  counting base 10 blocks, counting forwards and backwards within 1000, skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's forwards and backwards, counting money and writing numbers in expanded form and word form, telling time and building numbers.  It's a quick review that is great to get kids thinking about math! The pages look like this:
 To get your first week of August free, click HERE!  When you are ready to get the unit for the entire year, click HERE! to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  
Only one more day for me until Meet the Teacher night.  I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow getting ready for that.  I'll post pics tomorrow!  I hope you all are having a productive and fun "getting ready for school" time!
If you download the freebie, please leave me some feedback!

Back to School Sale!

Ok.  If you didn't get in on the sale earlier in August, you get one more chance!  On Wednesday, August 19 Teachers Pay Teachers will be having another sale!  Make sure you get all of those things that you will need for August and September! 

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back To School # 3 and a FREEBIE!!!!

If you are like me, or if you are like hundreds and hundreds of other teachers this time of year, you are getting yourself ready for the new school year that is approaching very quickly.  I have only been away from my room for summer break for a few weeks but when I go back for the first time in August, it feels like I have been gone forever!  Once everything is clean, desks are arranged, (see my Back To School # 2 Post) different areas in the room are arranged, (book center, supplies, etc.) it's time for me to think about what I would like to accomplish with my students the very first day of school. Of course I know that plans and materials need to be ready.  I also know from experience that I need to over plan.  What I thought would take 30 minutes may end up being 10.....then what do we do..... So I plan ALOT of things to do the first day.   I also jump right into my "normal" routine, the routine and schedule that  I plan to follow the entire year. It is fun to do some "getting to know you" activities and I will do a few of these.  Since I teach 2nd grade, I know that these students have already been in school for 2 years and should be aware of basic rules.  Classroom routines will be somewhat different but for the most part, they know that there is no talking in the hallway or bathroom, how to "do" lunch and other things.  I like to focus on my classroom routines.  Last year, I made a book called "Let's Do School"  to complete with students about classroom and school routines.  I included an area for students to "draw" what these procedures look like.  For example, there is a page where students draw a picture of what a correct line looks like.  I like to do a funny drawing to show students what a correct line DOES NOT look like.  They always laugh at these "rule breakers" and then I draw a picture to show them the correct way.  I think that second grade students are still very visual and need to see what I'm talking about when I say....when we line up, we face the front, our mouths are quiet and our hands are by our side.  I stress that we have these rules and procedures to keep us safe and happy at school so I talk about what could happen if we do these procedures incorrectly.  For example, line up and walk in the hallway quietly so we won't disturb other classes.  We use our best manners at lunch, don't talk with food in our mouths and don't play at the table because we don't want anyone getting choked on their food.  I like to relate the rules back to real life situations that students can relate to so that they become meaningful to students.  So, I love using my "Let's Do School" rules and procedures book.  Instead of me just rambling off don't do this, don't do that....this is a whole group activity that we do together and students have the book to refer back to.  Here is a look at the book.

We do a few pages each day.  I've included the first two pages here in my blog for you for FREE! 
Click HERE to get the FREEBIE!   If you want the entire book you can click HERE to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store if you want to get the entire book.
Usually we do a few pages each day and then keep this book until September Open House.  I like to have these books out with some of their other work for parents to see.  If you download the free pages, I would love to hear what you think! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Back To School Sale 2015!!

It's here folks!  Time to stock up on everything you need for BTS 15!!  I know my cart is full!
My entire store is on sale with an  extra 20 percent off!
 You know you are going to need it!! Let's get shopping! Don't forget the code BTS15 at checkout !!