
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter Games and a Freebie!

If you have these............

and a few minutes, I'm going to tell you some  different things to do with plastic Easter eggs.
I have a brand new Easter Math Game unit that has 6 different games for your students to play.  I've included one of the 6 games here for you for FREE! Students will practice addition and subtraction, telling time, counting money, showing a number two different ways by drawing base 10 blocks and even/odd.  The free game is counting coins.  Here is a look at it. 

If you want to use this game you can get your free copy by clicking HERE!
If you want all 6 games, you can get them over in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  You can get there by clicking HERE.
If you use this, please leave some feedback!  I love to hear from you!


Easter has just zoomed up on me this year!  I've hardly gotten through my spring/St. Patrick's Day/March stuff and here we are on the heels of Easter.  I have a few fun things that I lover to do with Easter.  One of the things is to make these cuties.  They are very easy to make and they really brighten up the room.  You can go to these cute bunnies by clicking HERE!

I also love doing this Easter Scavenger Hunt with my students.  It looks like this :

You can post the clues in your room or around the school.  I post the clues in the hallway at school and then I take one group at a time during center time while the rest of the class is busy in their math centers with my assistant.  The kids love this activity and when they get all of the answers to the clues, they use the letters to solve a riddle.  Lots of fun and a great way to review math.  There are 12 questions in all. You can see the Easter Scavenger Hunt by clicking HERE!
Since Easter comes so early in April this year, I have other things that are Easter themed that will have to wait until after Easter but that's OK.  The content is what is important and the activities are valuable. 
Ok we have a little over a week to celebrate Easter with our sweet kids. Ready, Set......HOP! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fairy Tales

Once upon a time, it was March and it was time for Mrs. Strickland's Super Second Grade Smarties to begin their unit on Fairy Tales!  This unit is so much fun and there are tons of things you can do with Fairy Tales.  We will start our unit on Monday with an introduction of what makes a Fairy Tale.  The kids have a student book that has everything they need to learn everything they ever wanted to know about Fairy Tales.  I wrote this unit so that first, I read a version of the Fairy Tale and then the kids have a version in their book to use.  I wanted them to have a story to hold in their hands and read.  In the past, I have only read the story to them but I think it is valuable for them to actually have a copy of the story that they can write on, underline, highlight, etc.  There are graphic organizers with each story and there is also comprehension questions for them to answer after they read the student version.  We are working hard on answering comprehension questions completely so this unit will give us some good practice.  There is also a craft with each Fairy Tale.  Each Fairy Tale will probably take two days to complete.  Here is a look at the unit.  Click HERE to see the unit.   The unit is 108 pages and has 8 different Fairy Tales included.  There is a unit test as well and I also included links to the Fairy Tales online in case you didn't have access to the books.  Here is a look at the entire unit.

I've included a free page for you from the unit.  This is the first page in the student book that teaches the students what is usually included in a Fairy Tale.  Click HERE to get the freebie!  If you download the freebie, please leave me some feedback!  Do you teach Fairy Tales?  I love to hear from you! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

MD 9-10- Measurement and Data and a Freebie!

We just finished our unit on measurement and data.  The kids really enjoyed this unit because it let them do two things that they love!  They got to talk to their friends and they got to get out of their seat and move around the room.  We began our unit by learning what a line plot was.  We used a line plot to show our favorite colors.  Over the course of a few days, we conducted several different surveys in our class asking favorite candy, cookies, color, pet, subject in school and kind of gum. Students took their book and their pencil and got to work.  They made tally marks to record their answers.  Next they used the tally marks to make a line plot, a pictograph or a bar graph.  Finally they answered questions about their data.  Here is a look at the kids collecting their data. 

I also had several graphs that students made where they generated their own data.  One was with coins.  They took a handful of coins from their coin bag and sorted them. Next they made tally marks to count.  Then they made a graph to show the information and finally answered questions about their data. Here is a look at this graph.

  I've included the coin graph here for you for free!  Click HERE FOR THE FREEBIE!
These activities are part of my measurement and data unit.  It covers Second Grade Common Core Math Standards 2.MD.9-10.  Here is a look at the entire unit.
You can see it in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store by clicking HERE!  Let me know what you think of the freebie!  I love hearing from you.
I can't believe Spring is in a few days and Easter is coming soon! 
Counting down the days.....