
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Summer Writing Craftivity!

Ok, we are about to start the countdown!  We get out of school on June 10.  I have April Shower Stories up in the hallway so I need to do one more thing  to let my students show off what they can do!  We started our writing activity today by reading our story for the week.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation  is a cute story about a kid named Wallace who makes up a huge story about what he did over the summer.  After we read the story, we talked about some things that we would like to do this summer. This is list we came up with.

After we made our list, the kids decided what they wanted to write about.  They worked on their messy copy making sure they had capital letters, periods, describing words and transition words.  They copied their final copy and then made these cuties to go with their story!

Aren't they CUTEEEEEE!  They did a really good job on their summer plans writing!  You can see the entire unit in my Teacher's Pay Teacher's store by clicking HERE! The kids loved the "cool" sunglasses.  I can't believe it's time to talk about summer vacation already!  Let me know how you like the summer writing!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Counting, Money, Time, Base 10 Block Freebie

The other day I showed you our number mix up game that we sometimes use to warm up for our math lesson.  Today I'm showing you our Daily Math Count that we do before each lesson every day.  This activity asks students to tell the time, count money, count base 10 blocks and then skip count. Here is  a picture of what it looks like. I just randomly put these things on my ELMO and kids start counting. I choose a time, money amount and base 10 blocks. Since students can't move and count the money from their seat, I line it up for them from greatest to least value.

I pick random times, money and base 10 blocks every day.  The number that I use for the base 10 blocks becomes the number that we begin with to count our pattern each day.  I ask students to count by 3's, or 4's, 6's or 7's.  At the beginning of the year we counted by 2's, 5's and 10's but they have become very good at that, even off of the decade.  They look forward to math count every day.  I hope you will give it a try!  You can get your free recording form by clicking HERE!  Let me know how you like it!  We are now at the 30 day countdown in my school district!  I can't believe we only have 30 days left!  I'm not finished yet! Haha!  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Number Sequence Freebie!

I always do a few things to get us warmed up for our math lesson. One game that we like to play is Number Mix Up....I know, not a great title, but this is how it works.  I had 4 sheets of numbers. Each sheet has 6 numbers on it. I run each page on a different color so that they are color coded and then laminate them.  So, I give out a number card to each student.  They have to find the other kids who have the same color as they do. Then, I tell them to get in order from least to greatest, or greatest to least...I switch it up.  Here's the kicker...THEY CAN'T TALK while they are doing this.  That part was really hard for them at first.  I taught them to use their body motion with their hands.  It's fun to definitely see leaders emerge and other kids who think they should always be the boss! Ha!  Anyway, they love this game. Here are some pictures of us playing.
Here are the number cards.

                                                         Students walk around and find others who have their same color.

Now they put themselves in the order that I called out...either least to greatest, or greatest to least.
They hold their numbers up when they are in order and I check them.
When we are all finished, I tell them to switch their card with someone and make
new groups.
After we did numbers, we used my money matching cards and students had to find the student with their match.

You should try these games.  The kids love them!  I've attached the templates for the number cards for you for FREE HERE!  All you do is copy each page on a different color, laminate and cut apart and start playing!  Let me know how you like it!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Spelling Game

I love to use the spelling game "Spell and Switch" to practice spelling words before our spelling test on Friday.  Here is how it works.  I give everyone a small slip of paper. The kids write one of our weekly spelling words on the paper.  Next, everyone gets up and walks around to find someone to spell with.  For example, I ask you how to spell the word on my paper, you spell it, you ask me how to spell the word on your card, I spell it.  Then we "Switch" papers and go to the next person.  My kids love to get up and move around so they are stretching their legs AND practicing spelling at the same time.  You can use this "Switch" game with anything....math facts, vocabulary words, reading comprehension questions, skip counting, counting money....the possibilities are endless! AND, there is nothing you need to make!  Let the kids make the question cards!  Here are a few pictures of my class playing "Spell and Switch."

You've got to try this game! Let me know how it goes for you! Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Skip Counting and a Math Center Freebie!

We do a lot of skip counting in 2nd grade. Second graders should be able to skip count by 5's, 10's and 100's.  We practice counting on the decade, but we also practice skip counting from random numbers too. I made a game to help students practice this and it is in a math center this week.  Here are some pictures of kids using this game.

There are cards with popcorn on them, these are the cards that tell them what to skip count by.  The cards with the popcorn boxes on them tell them what number to begin with.  They choose a number card and a skip counting card, write the number on their paper and then list the five numbers that come next.  That's it!  Simple, easy, and great practice for skip counting.  You can download the game for free by clicking HERE! This game is a part of a set of 6 math center games. You can see the entire unit in my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE!  The skip counting game can be put into centers lots of different times because the kids will draw a new combination of cards every time they play.  Fun and easy!  I'm all about easy these days!  Download the freebie and let me know how you like it!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Persuasive Writing....Pllllleeeeeeease, may I have a puppy?

In writing this week, we wrote a persuasive paper trying to convince our parents to let us have a puppy.  The reasons that the kids came up with were awesome!....So, I need a puppy because he could fetch your slippers and you won't have to get up to get them.....I need  a puppy because I will have to play outside with him and that will help me get lots of exercise....I need a puppy because she will bark when someone comes to the door so we won't need a doorbell anymore!  They did a great job on their stories.  When we were finished, we made this little guy....
 And these cuties!
 And these guys!
This writing activity is part of a writing unit that I posted a few weeks ago on Teachers Pay Teachers.  There is a persuasive topic, like the one above, an informational prompt where the kids research and write about a particular dog breed, and an imaginative narrative, where their dog can talk for the day and they write about their adventures.  We started on our narratives today.  They have big plans for themselves and their dogs...going to Pet Smart, going to McDonalds, and going to the park!  I can't wait to read them!  You can see my entire unit by clicking here. 
So, I hope you all have a great Friday tomorrow!  Happy Weekend! :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Summer is Coming, and a GREAT idea for the hallway!

I know it is only April, by I'm thinking ahead to June!  My kids make these cute Sunny Summer Countdown sunshines every year. They take theirs home and I keep mine up at school.  Just put as many links on the bottom as days of school you have left and tear off a link every day.  The kids love to watch the chain get shorter and shorter!  Here is the finished sun.

Isn't he cute!!!  You can get the pattern in my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking here. 

Ok, you know summer is coming, the kids know summer is class was so excited today. I used all of that energy in a positive way.....we got tons of things done! :) I read about a game called "Mystery Walker" on pinterest.  This is the way it works.  You choose a mystery walker each time your class lines up and goes somewhere in the hall.  They don't know who the mystery walker is, only you know.  So, when you get back from where you were going, if the mystery walker was on their very best, top notch behavior, they get a treat from the candy basket....I think my kids would do ANYTHING for a piece of candy AND I let them eat it right then and there!  It works like magic! Just to give every kid a chance, I draw out the name and put it aside. That way everyone gets their chance.  I LOVE mystery walker....the kids do too!  Give it a try.  You'll be amazed! :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Money Counting Mat Freebie

A few days ago I posted about my class playing Money Scoot, remember? 

To begin, each student puts coins on their mat.  They count and write the amount on their answer sheet (which is numbered, and so are their desks). Anyway, I posted the money counting mat on my TPT store for free.  You can get it here. My kids love playing money scoot.  This week we are playing scoot with time and also with word problems.  I'll let you know how it goes! Have a great week, oh, and welcome back from break! Nine more weeks to go until summer!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Writing Freebie

Persuasive writing is one of the kinds of writing that is required in common core.  I have a planning page and a writing page that I use to help students get their thoughts together and then write a draft of their paper.  You can get them free on my TPT store by clicking here. Check it out!  It is a great, organized way to help kids get their thoughts together.  Let me know what you think!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Math Word Problem Game and a Freebie!

Second graders need lots of practice counting coins.  We play the game SCOOT every few weeks to review counting coins.  Each student has a counting mat and coins.  They put coins out on the mat and count to get a total.  The desks are numbered, so the student writes down their answer next to the number of desk they are sitting.  When the student finishes, he stands up behind his chair.  When everyone is standing, I say "SCOOT" and the students go to the next desk. For example, if they were just at desk 6, they go to desk 7. Here are some pictures of my class playing money scoot.

We have played time scoot too.  I just finished a Common Core Aligned Word Problem Scoot.  It is in my Teacher's Pay Teacher's Store and you can see it here.  Just print the word problem cards, laminate, and copy the answer recording sheet for your students.  This answer sheet can be used with any scoot game. You can get the answer sheet for free by clicking here!   
Page 2 is here.
  Sorry it is two pages...I'm still learning how to do this! :)  I hope you will try the game with your students.  My class loves this game!  I think I'll use it with some reading comprehension things too! If you try it, please let me know how it worked! I would love to hear about your classroom!